2011-03-10 23:16:33 UTC
New guy to the board...
I\'ve read the pro\'s & cons about gate valves. Now tell me about ball
I want to install a 1/2\" and a 3/4\" valve. These are on water supply
lines above my head in my basement. Can I orient them \"stem up\" only or
can they be oriented \"stem down\" or \"stem to the side\"? I already have
gate valves but I can use stop valves or globe valves or ball valves. I
have a stop valved w/waste port on a 3/4\" supply line to my outside hose
bibb and I have a 1/2\" stop valve w/waste port for my refrigerator supply
line. The outside hose supply line & valve is original to the house(35
yrs). The refrigerator line I installed in the late 80s when I bought a
fridge w/water and ice making capability. The only problem I have had to
correct is to change the stem packing on the 3/4 line due to leaking. It
works fine now, thank you!
What say you all to any kind of valve. I am not \"married\" to any type
BUT I want a valve that will shut off when I want it closed and not have
to worry about leaking washers or \"O\"rings or other \"offshore\" made
materiels that will deteriorate and start leaking a couple of years down
the road.
TIA for your help. I have seen that there are some really knowledgeable
folks here.
New guy to the board...
I\'ve read the pro\'s & cons about gate valves. Now tell me about ball
I want to install a 1/2\" and a 3/4\" valve. These are on water supply
lines above my head in my basement. Can I orient them \"stem up\" only or
can they be oriented \"stem down\" or \"stem to the side\"? I already have
gate valves but I can use stop valves or globe valves or ball valves. I
have a stop valved w/waste port on a 3/4\" supply line to my outside hose
bibb and I have a 1/2\" stop valve w/waste port for my refrigerator supply
line. The outside hose supply line & valve is original to the house(35
yrs). The refrigerator line I installed in the late 80s when I bought a
fridge w/water and ice making capability. The only problem I have had to
correct is to change the stem packing on the 3/4 line due to leaking. It
works fine now, thank you!
What say you all to any kind of valve. I am not \"married\" to any type
BUT I want a valve that will shut off when I want it closed and not have
to worry about leaking washers or \"O\"rings or other \"offshore\" made
materiels that will deteriorate and start leaking a couple of years down
the road.
TIA for your help. I have seen that there are some really knowledgeable
folks here.